Tuesday, 20 December 2011


I have decided that it would be best to change parts of the magazine as I don't think it is strong enough to compete in the magazine industry. I felt as though some of the pages worked better than others and there was no real synergy between the pages so I thought that making some changes would make it more competitive in the market.

The changes I would like to make
Front Cover
I would like to completely re-think the front cover as it doesn't work well and looks amateurish, I feel as though the background looks out of place which in turn ruins the main image. I also feel as though the cover lines are far too large for the front cover and they look messy as they aren't aligned. I would like to bring some order to the front cover and make it look more like something featuring in the current market as this will bring up the standard of my magazine and in turn make my magazine as a whole more competitive.
  • I will keep the same main image for the front cover however I will shrink it down.
  • I am going to remove the current cover lines as I feel a different font needs to be used and they need to be smaller
  • I am going to change the colour scheme to red from blue as I feel that this is a better colour that fits with the genre a lot better.
  • I am going to keep the current bar code and keep the price the same however I will shrink them dramatically and I will also move them to a new position on the page.
  • I am going to use 'Q' magazine as my inspiration and I am going to split the pages up into separate sections as I feel this will look neater but I will also be able to make the magazine look more professional this way.
  • I am going to add more cover lines, special offers and images to make the magazine look more professional and to add features that will convince the reader that they are getting a good offer when they buy this magazine.
Contents page
I feel as though the contents page wasn't as weak as the front cover however there are some changes that still need to be made in order to bring its quality up to the standard of the current magazines displayed in the market.
  • I am firstly going to change the colour scheme from  blue to red so that the front page flows onto the contents and the magazine looks more like a complete magazine rather than separate pages.
  • I am going to remove one of the vinyls as I feel one is enough and the other should be replaced with something like boxes to make the page look more interesting it also means that more cover lines can be added and they will be a lot easier to read as they will be left aligned.
  • I am definitely going to add more images as there is too much text for the text/picture ratio it looks like a lot of text which can be quite boring for the user to read through. I also feel as though the user needs some visual representation of some of the cover lines so this is how I could add some of the images.
  • I am going to add some sort of subscription information onto the page as I know from some research that I conducted that this is common on magazine contents pages.
  • I am going to add a QR code as I feel as though this means that the magazine can be linked to the new gadgets that are on the market and it helps to bring several media industries together through synergy.
  • I am also going to add a editors note as I have seen this appear in a lot of the magazines that I regularly read.
I feel as though these changes are necessary in order to bring my contents page up to the standard of the current magazine that are in the music magazine market. I also feel as though adding these features may make my magazine stand out over other magazines and my target market will be more likely to choose my magazine over the market.

Double page spread
I felt as though the double page spread was the best page that I have created however I would still like to make a few changes as I feel I have a lot more knowledge behind creating the double page spread now so I feel as though I can improve it to make it link to the two new designs for the pages I am going to create. I felt as though the page was too bare and I as a reader would not be happy to pay the price I had chosen for this little information
  • I am going to shrink the text of the interview down to a size 5 as I feel this is more appropriate and that means I can add in a lot more information about the artist 
  • I am also going to change the alignment of the interview as having the interview in column format makes it a lot easier to follow and read.
  • I am going to change the colour scheme to match the other pages so that the pages flow on from one another and so that it looks more like a complete product rather than 3 separate pages.
  • I am going to create a CD for the artist appearing in the article as this will help promote the artist and the genre being portrayed.
  • I am also going to add a 'further listening' section; This is a feature that regularly appears in a lot of different music magazines such as Q and Vibe. I would like to add this as I feel it is a really good feature as I can advertise the genre of the music and also artists that appear both in this genre but also in the interview conducted as this will help tie all of the features on the page together.
I feel as though if i conduct all of these changes I will firstly be able to create more successful pages but I will also be able to create an overall better product.

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